23 June 2011

Dia 11o: En Familia: La Fiesta de San Juan

Hoy fuimos a un excurccion porque queriamos ver el barco de Cristobal Colon. Necesitamos levantarnos a las seis porque necesitamos coger el autobus en la escuela. El barco era interesante, y cuando estaba a dentro el barco muchos personas querian conducir el barco. El pueblo donde esta el barco es muy bonita y tiene muchas tiendas para comprar camisetas y chancletas. Tambien tiene restuarantes y cafeterias, muchas estudiantes comieron o comparon helado y sentiron en el sol. Otro estudiantes caminaron en el calle o se sentaron y miraron el paisaje. El pueblo se llama Baiona.

Tambien fuimos al puerto de Vigo y miramos muchos pescados. El mas grande pescado fue el pez de espada. Un pez de espada era diez pies largo. El puerto holia muy mal, y el suelo estaba mojado con sangre. Nosotros miramos peces de espada, los pescados pequenos, tiburrones y otros que no se el nombre por. Despues fuimos a casa y vestimos para una fiesta en la noche.

A la noche fuimos a la fiesta de San Juan. En la fiesta, la musica era de España, entonces los Americanos estaban en el parque. Nosotros hablamos con todos los Españoles de todo. Los jovenes staban tirarado fuegos artificiales. Nosotros tuvimos mucho meido porque los fuegos artificiales era fuertes. Despues explotaron una bolla de fuego muy alto. Era bonita y cuando estaba pequeno gente saltaron el fuego. La fiesta era super guay pero muchos los Americanos y Españoles hablaron. A las dos y media nosotros fuimos a casa.

Today we went on a trip to Vigo because we wanted to see one of the three ships of Columbus. We needed to wake up at six in the morning because we needed to catch the bus at school. The ship was interesting and when we were on the ship, people would pretend to drive the ship. The city where the ship was in was very nice and had many stores where one could buy clothes and sandals. The town also had many nice restaurants and cafes, many students ate or bought ice cream and enjoyed the sun. Other students walked around and or sat and looked at the beautiful landscape. The town´s name was Bayona.

We also went to the Port of Vigo where we saw many fish. The biggest fish was the swordfish, one was 10 feet long. The port smelled terrible, and the floor was wet with blood and fish guts. We saw swordfish, small fish, sharks and other fish which will remain nameless because I don´t know the name. After we went home and got dressed for the party.

Later we went to the party of San Juan. At the party the music was all Spanish, therefore, all the Americans were in the park. We talked with all of the Spanish students. Little kids were liting off fireworks. They scared us because they were really loud. After they made a huge bonfire. it was so beautiful and when it got smaller people would jump over it. The party was cool and the American students and the Spanish students bonded a lot. We all went home around two or three in the morning.

Alex M. y el resto de la pandilla de Newark Academy